Campus Condorcet

Campus Condorcet

The City of Humanities and Social Sciences

Supported by eleven prestigious institutions in the field of humanities and social sciences, including the École Pratique des Hautes Études – PSL,  the Campus Condorcet brings together, in a single place, an exceptional concentration of academic research.

Transforming the humanities and social sciences to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century

It thus provides these disciplines with an emblematic infrastructure, dedicated to new synergies and tailored to meet the pedagogical, scientific and digital challenges of thetwenty-first century. This new dynamic, reinforced by the creation of one of the main centres of doctoral studies on an international scale, stimulates scientific innovation by promoting the influence of the humanities and social sciences.

A new research and training infrastructure for the humanities and social sciences

Research is becoming increasingly globalized. The development of European and international programs sharpens international competition and invigorates methods of academic research. Simultaneously, current events are constantly calling upon the expertise of the humanities and social sciences. Campus Condorcet is equipping scholars with high-performance equipment and international visibility, which aims to develop a world reference center to meet educational challenges, as well as scientific and digital technologies of the twenty-first century.

An exceptional concentration of academic strength

Campus Condorcet hosts more than one hundred research units in the humanities and social sciences, bringing together several thousand lecturers and researchers. Nearly five thousand doctoral students–many of whom are international–frequent Campus Condorcet, making it one of the world's leading doctoral centres in the humanities and social sciences. The Campus Condorcet also houses several award-winning programmes including the Investments for the Future – Laboratories of Excellence (Labex) or Equipment of Excellence (Equipex). The Huma-Num Very Large Research Infrastructure, dedicated to digital innovation in the humanities and social sciences, is also located at Campus Condorcet. Finally, there are numerous research programs funded at the national or international level (ANR, ERC, etc.), commensurate with the commitment of members in projects of this nature. Thus, Campus Condorcet brings together academic forces of great size, exceptional quality, and considerable visibility.

Participate in the making of the city

Campus Condorcet is an academic space intersected by public spaces. The Campus maintains a close and harmonious relationship with its urban environments, which are undergoing rapid processes of urban recomposition and transformation, driven by both the City of Paris and the Plaine Commune Public Territorial Establishment. The Campus intends to play its rightful place, in close cooperation with the local authorities, in this urban rehabilitation of the North of Paris and the Plaine Saint-Denis.


Campus Condorcet website

Agenda - All events organised on the Campus Condorcet

4 800
Doctoral students
Research Units
12 000
Persons welcomed / year