Research units
The research policy of the École Pratique des Hautes Études - PSL is supported by a dense network of research units. The teacher-researchers are divided into 45 units. Some are units for which the EPHE - PSL is responsible; others are units hosting teacher-researchers from the EPHE - PSL.
The School is thus present in 18 units in Humanities and Social Sciences and 27 units in Life and Earth Sciences.
Research units under the supervision of the EPHE - PSL
Humanities and Social Sciences
- Anthropology and History of the Ancient Worlds (ANHIMA) - UMR 8210
- Archaeology and Philology of East and West (AOROC) - UMR 8546
- Centre Alberto-Benveniste - UMR 8596
- Center for Research on the Iranian World: Languages, Cultures and Societies from Antiquity to the Present Day (CeRMI) - UMR 8041
- Centre for Research on East Asian Civilizations (CRCAO) - UMR 8155
- Indian Studies Research Group (GREI) - EA 2120
- Societies, Religions, Secularism Group (GSRL) - UMR 8582
- History of Art, Representations and Administration in Modern and Contemporary Europe (HISTARA) - EA 7347
- Institute of African Worlds (IMAF) - UMR 8171
- Laboratory for the Study of Monotheisms (LEM) - UMR 8584
- Language, Languages and Cultures of Africa (LLACAN) - UMR 8135
- Orient and Mediterranean, Texts, Archaeology, History - UMR 8167
- Near East - Caucasus: Languages, Archaeology, Cultures (PROCLAC) - UMR 7192
- Knowledge and Practices from the Middle Ages to the Contemporary Era (SAPRAT) - EA 4116
Life and Earth Sciences
- Archeosciences-Bordeaux - UMR 6034
- Biogeosciences - UMR 6282
- Centre for Coastal Geo-ecology (CGEL)
- Centre for Island Research and Environmental Observatory (CRIOBE) - UAR 3278
- Center for Functional and Evolutionary Ecology (CEFE) - UMR 5175
- Human and Artificial Cognitions (CHArt) - EA 4004
- Oceanic and Continental Environments and Paleoenvironments (EPOC) - UMR 5805
- Viral Infections and Comparative Pathology (IVPC) - UMR 754
- Institute of Cognitive and Integrative Neuroscience of Aquitaine (INCIA) - UMR 5287
- Institute of Systematics, Evolution, Biodiversity (ISYEB) - UMR 7205
- Institute of Evolutionary Sciences of Montpellier (ISEM) - UMR 5554
- Brain and Spine Institute (ICM) - UMR_S 1127/UMR 7225
- Genome integrity and cancer - UMR 9019
- Laboratory of Physical Chemistry and Microbiology for Materials and the Environment (LCPME) - UMR 7564
- Laboratory of Immunology and Immunotherapy of Cancers (LIIC) - EA 7269
- Molecular Mechanisms in Neurodegenerative Dementias (MMDN) - UMR_S 1198
- Environmental Environments, Transfers and Interactions in Hydrosystems and Soils (METIS) - UMR 7619
- Neuropsychology and Imaging of Human Memory - UMR_S 1077
Research units hosting teacher-researchers from the EPHE - PSL
Humanities and Social Sciences
- Southeast Asia Center (CASE) - UMR 8170
- Laboratory of Social Anthropology (LAS) - UMR 7130
- Languages and Civilizations with an Oral Tradition (LACITO) - UMR 7107
- Franco-German Research in the Social Sciences - Centre Georg Simmel - UMR 8131
Life and Earth Sciences
- Saint-Antoine Research Centre (SRRC) - UMR_S,938
- From Prehistory to the Present: Culture, Environment and Anthropology (PACEA) - UMR 5199
- Human Immunology, Pathophysiology, Immunotherapy (HIPI) - UMR_S 97
- Institut Charles Gerhardt Montpellier (ICGM) - UMR 5253
- Institute for Advanced Biosciences (IAB) - UMR_S 1209/UMR 5309
- Thorax Institute - UMR_S 1087/UMR 6291
- Institut Pasteur - RNA Biology of Fungal Pathogens Unit
- Laboratory of Ecology of Natural and Anthropogenic Hydrosystems (LEHNA) - UMR 5023
- Laboratory of Material Integration in System (IMS) - UMR 5218
- Laboratory of Genetics and Cell Biology (LGBC) - UR 4589