
Graduate Programs

Inspired by the graduate schools of major international universities, which are unprecedented in the French university landscape, PSL University's graduate programs offer excellent training at the master's and doctoral levels, which draw on the scientific strengths of all PSL's component institutions.


Immersed in the research environment from the first year of your master's degree, you will be in contact with the best PSL researchers and laboratories.

By joining a PSL graduate program, you are also choosing internationalization.

Graduate programs supported by the School

PG Historical Sciences

The Historical Sciences graduate program offers a full cycle of graduate study and research from master's to doctoral degrees in historical sciences. Backed by research laboratories and PSL's major Scripta research program, the graduate program includes master's degrees that place students as close as possible to research. It offers opening courses that strengthen transdisciplinary skills and enrich students' careers.
Learn more on the PSL website

PG Religious Studies

The Religious Studies graduate program offers a complete cycle of graduate studies and research from master's to doctoral degrees around the study of religious facts. Backed mainly by the Laboratory for Studies on Monotheisms and the Societies, Religions, Secularities Group, the graduate program includes a master's degree and also receives students from six other master's courses, placing the student as close as possible to research. It offers opening courses that strengthen transdisciplinary skills and enrich students' careers.
Learn more on the PSL website


Graduate programs of which the School is a partner

PG Life Sciences

The Life Sciences graduate program offers a full cycle of graduate studies and research from master's to doctoral degrees in life sciences. Backed by research laboratories, five LabEx and PSL's Q-LIFE Convergence Institute, this graduate program includes master's degrees that place students as close as possible to research. It offers opening courses that strengthen transdisciplinary skills and enrich students' careers.
Learn more on the PSL website

PG Earth Sciences and Biodiversity

The Earth Sciences and Biodiversity graduate program offers a full cycle of graduate studies and research from master's to doctoral degrees in environmental sciences, ecology, geosciences. Backed by research laboratories and PSL's LabEx CORAIL , the graduate program includes a master's degree that places the student as close as possible to research. It offers opening courses that strengthen transdisciplinary skills and enrich students' careers.
Learn more on the PSL website