Sponsorship campaign 2022-2025
Support the EPHE-PSL
For more than 150 years, the EPHE has been able to evolve and respond to while remaining faithful to the principle that prevailed at its creation: training in research through the practice of research. Today, it wishes to accelerate its development and expand its role as an interface between society and research to better respond to the new challenges of the contemporary world.
This is why the EPHE - PSL is launching a 2022-2025 sponsorship campaign. With a fundraising target of €4 million in 4 years, making history for the EPHE means committing ourselves together to meeting the scientific challenges and societal issues of the 21st century.
A single ambition: a commitment to science and knowledge
4 strategic areas
- Investing in cutting-edge research.
- Supporting our students.
- Safeguarding and transmitting the history and memory of civilizations.
- Forging links between the socio-economic world and research.
By supporting the discoveries made by our researchers, you enable their practical application in hospitals, retirement homes, museums, in the voluntary sector, in companies, within civil society.
By contributing to the development of our training offerings, you are creating a ripple effect not only in the scientific world, but also in society as a whole.
Why support us?
Becoming a patron—whether you are an individual, a company or a foundation—means co-constructing projects that are part of your philanthropic approach, your sponsorship and social responsibility strategy. Your expectations, as well as our commitments, are systematically formalized in a sponsorship agreement.
Creation of a dedicated endowment fund
The EPHE endowment fund is a long-term financing tool whose purpose is to provide long-term support for the EPHE's missions of general interest.
As a private law structure, the EPHE's endowment fund capitalises and manages the donations it receives in order to redistribute the income to the EPHE.
Complementary to direct sponsorship, it allows the financing of long-term projects.
The EPHE's endowment fund is authorised to receive donations, legacies, life insurance and donations.
How to make a donation?
By cheque or bank transfer, download the donation form
Who to contact?
Head of sponsorship and endowment fund