Personnel et futur collaborateur

Defending a thesis

All the advice you need to prepare for a defense

When the thesis is completed, the thesis director initiates the defense procedure (no later than 12 weeks before the planned date).


The initiative to present the candidate for the defense belongs to the thesis director. The latter proposes to the head of the PhD Program two preliminary rapporteurs and the composition of the jury. It is only after receiving the preliminary reportsof which the candidate receives a copythat the president of the EPHE-PSL can authorize the defense on the advice of the director of the PhD Program. The date of the defense is scheduled in agreement with the thesis director and the members of the jury.

It is the responsibility of the thesis director to ensure the composition of the jury and to propose the pre-rapporteurs in accordance with the following points:

  • preliminary reports can only be written by HDR holders (except in very exceptional cases). They may not be entrusted to members of the candidate's CST, nor to members of ED 472 (members of the EPHE-PSL or external members of the PhD Program) and must, unless an exemption is granted by the director of the ED on the basis of a reasoned request, be external to PSL;
  • The jury consists of between 4 and 8 members, chosen for their academic or professional competence in the field of research concerned. Its composition must allow for a balanced representation of women and men. The number of PUs or equivalents must be greater than or equal to that of MCFs or equivalents; the number of jury members from outside the PhD Programs of EPHE-PSL and PSL University must be greater than or equal to the number of internal members. Jury members appoint from among themselves a president and, if necessary, a rapporteur for the defense. An MCF (even if he or she is an HDR) cannot be president of the jury.

The doctoral student is required to send the thesis in electronic and paper format to the members of the jury. The ED offers a reproduction subsidy of up to €350 (reimbursement on invoice).

The dissertation defense is public unless otherwise specified. The president of the jury must write and sign a report that specifies the grade and the conditions under which it was awarded.

A provisional certificate communicates the result proclaimed at the end of the dissertation defense. The final diploma is issued only after evey jury member's views  have been reviewed.

A vademecum presents in a synthetic way the organization of a thesis defense.


Filing and distribution

The thesis is subject to a mandatory double submission. The student submits:

  • a provisional version of the manuscript no later than one month prior to the dissertation defense;
  • a finalized version taking into account the jury's recommendations no later than three months after the defense.

The presentation of the manuscript must comply with the guidelines Presentation and format of EPHE-PSL theses, with the models of the front cover, or the back cover co-supervision and back cover.

The document Dissemination of the thesis at the EPHE-PSL details the dissemination options available to the new doctor (internet, embargo, intranet).

The processing of digital theses has been transferred to the Humathèque Condorcet. Contact the Humathèque by email.



Répertoire des thèses 2016-2018 (7.45 MB)

Updated on 22.10.2021