
Become a patron

Support the 2022-2025 sponsorship campaign

Individuals, companies, and foundations can support the EPHE-PSL sponsorship campaign and contribute to the development of the EPHE's mission. Whatever your level of giving, your support is invaluable to us!

By supporting the discoveries made by our lecturers, you enable their practical application in hospitals, retirement homes, museums, in the voluntary sector, in companies, within civil society.

By contributing to the development of our training offerings, you are creating a ripple effect not only in the scientific world, but also in society as a whole.

Your commitment to us creates a dynamic that goes far beyond the EPHE's borders.

As a patron, you have privileged access to cutting-edge research and an international network of teacher-researchers through conferences and laboratory visits.

You also have visibility on our communication media and through our network, in France and internationally.


Are you a private individual?

Your donation is deductible up to 66% of your income tax up to a limit of 20% of your net taxable income.


Do you represent a company?

Your donation is deductible up to 60% of your corporate tax up to a limit of 0.5% of your turnover.


Do you live in the United States?

Benefit from the tax advantages provided by US legislation.


How to make a donation?

Make your donation online now

By cheque or bank transfer, download the donation form


Who to contact?

Head of sponsorship and endowment fund

Marie-Pierre Lamotte