HD-GIS-Moyen Orient

GIS Middle East and Muslim Worlds

Created in 2013, the GIS Middle East and Muslim Worlds (MOMM) currently brings together 46 research teams (including the LEM and the Césor) that study the Muslim world through various disciplines encompassing Islamology, history, sociology, anthropology and political science. The main goal of the GIS is to promote exchanges between these teams and disciplines, while giving better visibility to their activities. To this end, a White Paper on French Studies in the fields of interest to the GIS has been drafted, offering an assessment of current research, while putting its finger on the gaps and the disciplines threatened. In the same spirit, an Islamology Notebook is being drafted, with an inventory of the situation and prospects for the future.

Researchers from the EPHE - PSL occupy a prominent place and have actively collaborated in the development of this Notebook. In the same unifying perspective, the GIS organises a congress every two years (the fourth took place in 2021), with a hundred workshops, most of which are multidisciplinary. It also awards a thesis prize and supports young researchers with grants. Among the priority projects are Islamology and the digital transition. The GIS participates, with the member teams and their supervisors, in the creation of a French Institute of Islamology.

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