Section of Historical and Philological Sciences

The Section of Historical and Philological Sciences is one of the few research and teaching centres, in France and abroad, to promote the direct study of primary sources and documents. Bringing together more than 80 scholars, it carries out its research and teaching activities in disciplines that are underrrpresented or nonexistent in other higher education institutions, which gives it national and international responsibility.

Scolars study a wide spectrum of documents, including tablets, inscriptions, coins, papyri, manuscripts, archival pieces, scores, but also archaeological objects and works of art, etc. This allows students and ausitors to deepen their research in fields such as diplomacy, paleography, papyrology, epigraphy, numismatics, or codicology, or in specific cultural areas such as ancient and medieval Southwest Asia,  Egypt, Central Asia, and East Asia. Other courses may correspond to disciplinary groups. For exemple, in addition to the teaching of many particular languages (including an exceptional set of rare languages), the originality of the Section is in teaching both a typological approach and comparative grammar.

The Section also develops cross-studies on the circulation of objects or collections in different cultural areas. Thus, the study of the book can be conducted in areas such as the history of Hebrew, Arabic, Greek, Byzantine, Latin, French manuscripts and the history of the printed book in Europe as well as in China.

For several years, the Section has also been developing new approaches in digital humanities and heritage sciences. It is located at the Sorbonne, the Campus Condorcet, the Institut national d'histoire de l'art, where directors of studies specialising in art history and archaeology are grouped together, as well as at the Maison de l'Asie. Its teaching is part of the PSL Master's program as well as the Doctoral School 472.

The work and annual conferences of its directors of studies and lecturers are published in the Annuaire de l'École Pratique des Hautes Études, Section des Sciences historiques et philologiques, accessible on Persée for previous issues and on OpenEdition from the year 2006-2007. The Section is also nationally and internationally renowned for its scholarly publications, which appear, in French or in a other languages, in several collections of the Droz publishing house.


Dean of the Section of Historical and Philological Sciences

Sciences historiques et philologiques

Members of the board

Sciences historiques et philologiques
Sciences historiques et philologiques
Sciences historiques et philologiques

Members of the Scientific Commission

Gilles Authier, Emmanuelle Chapron, Nuria de Castilla, Nicolas Fiévé, Patrick Henriet, Antony Hostein, Guy-Michel Leproux, Laetitia Loviconi, Pierre Marsone, Brigitte Mondrain, Laurent Morelle, Jean-Michel Mouton, Audrey Nassieu-Maupas, Özgür Türesay, Nicolas Weill-Parot, Jean-Claude Yon