Sarikhani Center for Elamite Studies
The EPHE-PSL Endowment Fund received a significant donation for the creation of the Sarikhani Center for Elamite Studies.
The Sarikhani Foundation
Founded in 2020, The Sarikhani Foundation aims to promote research, exhibitions, conferences, seminars, publications and events around the arts of Iran, from antiquity to the present day. This includes, but is not limited to, working with the Sarikhani Collection ("The Sarikhani Collection"), which includes the arts of Iran from prehistoric times to the 18th century.
EPHE and Elamite Studies
The EPHE-PSL, with its long-standing investment in underrepresented research areas and its long-standing interest in Elamite studies (including in the person of Father Vincent Scheil, one of the founders of the discipline), is the logical academic and institutional environment for the Centre. The Sarikhani Foundation, which has a keen interest in ancient Iranian cultures, as evidenced by the Sarikhani Collection and the various research programs it currently supports, sees the Centre as a means of creating and disseminating new knowledge, supporting innovative research programs, fostering dialogue between academic and non-academic communities, and diversifying perceptions of Iran's ancient past.
The "Sarikhani Center for Elamite Studies"
The purpose of the Centre, both in France and abroad, is to support the study of Elam, the Elamite language and culture in all their geographical and temporal manifestations, from the fourth millennium BC to the Parthian period, throughout southwestern Iran, from Ilam to Fars.
It focuses on supporting historical, philological, archaeological, and art historical research, but it also aims to raise awareness of Elamite culture beyond academic discourse, including by partnering with contemporary artists. In addition, the Centre will seek to establish broad cooperation with individual researchers in the field of Elamite studies. In addition to supporting these research projects, it may organise and/or support the organisation of thematic workshops with selected groups of specialists.
More generally, the Center aims to raise awareness in academic circles as well as the general public about a neglected period and culture within Iran's millennial culture.
The center, based at EPHE-PSL, will begin its activities at the beginning of 2024 for an initial period of 5 years; Wouter F.M. Henkelman, lecturer at the EPHE, will be the director.
"For 20 years, The Sarikhani Collection has been a centre of Iranian arts, as a forefront body for education, research, exhibitions, and publications, for the exploration and promotion of the longue durée of the culture of Iran. The groundbreaking exhibitions Epic Iran at The Victoria and Albert Museum in 2021 and Iran: 5000 Years at Art at The Pergamon Museum in 2021-22, have highlighted a misunderstood and neglected tradition of arts. The Sarikhani Foundation, its parent body, is therefore delighted to announce the establishment of The Sarikhani Centre for Elamite Studies at the École Pratique des Hautes Études.
Passionate about culture and convinced of the importance and benefit of collaborative projects, and aiming for the highest academic projects, the Sarikhani Foundation has always sought to find great partners for the creation of new knowledge. In that vein, the Foundation is delighted to collaborate with the École Pratique des Hautes Études in Paris for a groundbreaking project for Elamite studies. The world of Elam, its language, history, culture and geographical existence has been under-researched. The EPHE has a long relationship with the field, including one of its founders, Vincent Scheil, and it continues to be enthusiastic for this discipline. Together we can shed light on Elam and create a new basis for academics, art historians, philologists and historians alike.
The Sarikhani Foundation is extremely grateful to the École Pratique des Hautes Études and its former president Jean-Michel Verdier, and to Wouter Henkelmann, the now Director of the Sarikhani Centre of Elamite Studies. We look forward to many years of collaboration together. May Elam flourish under our stewardship. Thank you. »
Ina Sarikhani, director of the Sarikhani Collection, trustee of the Sarikhani Foundation