
GIS Asia

The GIS Asie, or Asian Studies Scientific Interest Group, brings together French and French-speaking research units working in this field, in all disciplines (history, geography, literature, sociology, anthropology, religions, political science, philosophy).

Created in 2013, it brings together 33 research units, which depend on 25 higher education and research institutions, including the EPHE - PSL. It is intended to encourage the decompartmentalization of units by encouraging them to be more transversal in discipline, thematic, geographical and institutional areas as well as by promoting work on common themes.

It supports and promotes Asian studies, by organizing a congress every two years, awarding a thesis prize and a book prize, and providing support for the activities of young researchers, doctoral students and post-doctoral fellows. Several researchers and doctoral students from the EPHE - PSL, particularly within the CRCAO and GSRL teams, have been able to benefit from his support for conferences, prizes and research projects.

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