
Institute of Longevity, Old Age and Aging

The EPHE - PSL has been a member alongside 8 other institutions (CNAV, CNRS, CNSA, DREES, INED, Inserm, Université Paris-Dauphine and Université de Lorraine) of the Institute of Longevity, Old Age and Aging (GIS ILVV) since its creation in 2018. Indeed, the EPHE - PSL, following the observation of the existence of barriers between the different disciplines dealing with ageing and the need to address this issue more generally, took an interest in the challenges of population ageing in 2010 by creating its 3rd institute, the Transdisciplinary Institute for the Study of Ageing (ITEV).

It is in this context of common questioning that the EPHE - PSL participates in the governance and reflections carried out by the ILVV. Indeed, the ILVV supports interdisciplinary scientific approaches in the humanities and social sciences in this field and aims to structure them in order to respond to the challenges of demographic transitions that are taking place and which constitute major social, economic and medical challenges. As part of these activities, one of the missions of the ILVV is to make French teams and their research known through scientific events that it supports or organizes, as well as to build bridges between the different fields of research. The EPHE - PSL contributes to this mission of disseminating knowledge and, more broadly, to the transmission and transfer of knowledge to civil society. The EPHE - PSL is also asked to participate in the events organized by the ILVV, for example as a member of the scientific committee and organizer of debates as part of its symposium scheduled for 2022.

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