La République nourrit ses enfants et les instruit" (Honoré Daumier, 1848) IREL

Institute for the Study of Religions and Secularism

Created in 2002, the Institute for the Study of Religions and Secularism (IREL), formerly the European Institute for Religious Studies (IESR), is a component of the École Pratique des Hautes Études – PSL. A training organization backed by the world of research, it is a secular place of expertise and advice on the history and current affairs of secularism and religious issues.

Following the recommendations of Régis Debray's report on the teaching of religion in secular schools (2002), its first mission is to participate in the implementation of the teaching of religion in schools, in particular through the organization of initial and in-service training courses for national education staff.

IREL is also aimed at all professionals and offers programs adapted to the different sectors of activity (public service, associations, companies, etc.).

In conjunction with a network of European correspondents, it also constitutes an observatory of the evolution of practices and legislation concerning religions and their place in education.

Within the EPHE - PSL, IREL is piloting the Religions and Secularism in the Professional and Associative Life of the Master's Degree in Religious and Social Sciences (SRS) of the EPHE - PSL co-accredited with the EHESS. IREL also manages the DE Religions and Secularism in Professional Life and is involved in the management of the DE Islamic Studies, two diplomas specific to the EPHE - PSL.

In addition to these diploma courses, IREL offers an annual program of evening courses and daytime sessions on religions and secularism. In these cycles of conferences, religions are addressed through founding texts, philosophical reflection, archaeological testimonies and artistic heritage, integrating the anthropological and geopolitical dimension.