GRET Ecology-Evolution
The "Ecology-Evolution" GRET is interested in the eco-evolutionary dynamics of biodiversity, a major societal issue, at different levels of organization from genes to communities and ecosystems and at different spatio-temporal scales. The research focuses on the biology and genetics of populations, the variation of phenotypes and genotype/phenotype relationships, and the ecology of communities in relation to biotic and/or abiotic constraints and disturbances in the face of current or past environmental changes.
Coordinator: Sophie Montuire
Main areas of research
- Morphological evolution
This research area focuses on the evolution of shapes, through 3D imaging and geometric morphometry approaches, at the micro or macro-evolutionary scale in a context of current and past climate change. Particular interest is placed on the evolutionary importance of developmental plasticity and on morpho-functional modifications during growth.
Sébastien Couette, Sophie Montuire, Nicolas Navarro
- Adapting to environmental change
This research area studies the genetic and phenotypic responses of populations to environmental changes, particularly related to anthropization (habitat fragmentation, pollution) using population genomics and quantitative genetics approaches.
Stefano Mona, Claudie Doums, Pierre de Villemereuil
- Demographic History of Natural Populations and Conservation Sciences
This research area studies the genetic and genomic biodemography of the marine and terrestrial landscape through an inventory methodology and a detailed monitoring of biodiversity and biogeography. Understanding human-nature interactions should allow for adaptive management, a better evaluation of public biodiversity management policies to lead to appropriate measures in conservation biology.
Jean-Yves Barnagaud, Aurélien Besnard, Sarah Cubaynes, Erwan Delrieu-Trottin, Stéphanie Manel, Claude Miaud, Claudine Montgelard
- Functioning of communities and ecosystems
This research area focuses on the study of the relationships between biodiversity and productivity, on the dynamics of communities and biotic interactions within ecosystems, particularly in the face of ecological disturbances, whether anthropogenic or not.
Christopher Carcaillet
- People and Environments
The aim is to study the evolutionary history of human diversity and ecology (life history, development) with the aim of better understanding its demography and health over time.
Antony Colombo, Hélène Coqueugniot, Olivier Dutour
- Phyloepidemiology, emerging diseases, ecological ruptures
This theme is based on the ONE HEALTH concept with the aim of better understanding the role of the environment, reservoir species and evolutionary phenomena in the emergence or re-emergence of diseases.
Thierry Wirth
List of ECs/research units and associated websites
S. Couette, S. Montuire, N. Navarro
UMR 6282 - Biogeosciences
University of Burgundy - 6, boulevard Gabriel - 21000 Dijon
S. Mona, Cl. Doums, P. de Villemereuil, Th. Wirth
UMR 7205 - Institute of Systematics, Evolution, Biodiversity (ISYEB)
Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle - 45, rue Buffon - 75005 Paris
J.-Y. Barnagaud, A. Besnard, S. Cubaynes, E. Delrieu-Trottin, S. Manel, Cl. Miaud, Cl. Montgelard
UMR 5175 - Center for Functional and Evolutionary Ecology (CEFE)
1919, route de Mende - 34090 Montpellier
C. Carcaillet
UMR 5023 - Laboratory of Ecology of Natural and Anthropogenic Hydrosystems (LEHNA)
Buildings Darwin C & Forel - 3-6, rue Raphaël Dubois - 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex
A. Colombo, H. Coqueugniot, O. Dutour
UMR 5199 - From Prehistory to the Present: Culture, Environment and Anthropology (PACEA)
University of Bordeaux - Bât B2 - Allée Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire - CS 50023 - 33615 Pessac Cedex