
The Brittany Remote Sensing Group (BreTel)

This group is a regional structure that aims to promote and support the development and use of space technologies and applications in Brittany. To do this, BreTel leads, federates and supports the regional spatial ecosystem bringing together public and private players in research, innovation and economic development, training and uses.

BreTel now has 10 years of experience in the space sector and has about fifty partners who benefit from a tailor-made support offer. BreTel is involved in various regional, national and international schemes (research support, business incubation, analysis of user needs, democratisation of satellite applications, etc.). Recognition by national and international networks (CNES Ambassador, Theia Regional Animation, Copernicus Relay, Copernicus Academy) allows BreTel's partners to promote their activities internationally.

BreTel offers the EPHE - PSL a maritime window turned towards the Channel and the Atlantic imbued with coastal human and natural sciences, space innovation (satellite, aircraft and drone), the blue economy, and a university (Rennes and Brest) and management (OFB, Regional Natural Parks, Iroise Marine Park) network at the prow of Europe.

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