Organisation & Gouvernance


The École Pratique des Hautes Études -PSL is a public academic, cultural and professional institution organized in the form of a large establishment. The EPHE-PSL is one of the component institutions of the University of Paris Sciences & Lettres and is a founding member of the Campus Condorcet.

The EPHE-PSL is headed by a President, administered by a board of directors, and assisted by a scientific council. It has three sections (Section of Life and Earth Sciences, Section of Historical and Philological Sciences, Section of Religious Sciences), three institutes, about forty research units and several libraries. The strategic policy of the EPHE-PSL is to develop—through applied research—high-level scholarship that responds to current societal challenges.


The presidential team

The President of the EPHE-PSL

Michel Hochmann has been President of EPHE-PSL since October 2023. He was elected for a five-year term by the Board of Directors and the Scientific Council meeting in Congress. The President ensures the governance of the institution with the Vice presidents, the Section Deans and the Director General of Services. The President is also accompanied by project managers on targeted subjects.

Vice President for Research

Cécile Reynaud is a musicologist specializing in the history of European music in the nineteenth century and Director of Studies in the Section of Historical and Philological Sciences. The Vice President for Research assists the President in the development of the institution's research, scientific, and technical documentation policy. In consultation with the Research Budget Group, the VP for Research proposes, when preparing the budget, a distribution of research appropriations.

Vice President for International Relations

Thierry Wirth is an epidemiologist and Director of Studies in the Section of Life and Earth Sciences. The Vice President for International Relations implements the institution's international strategy. In consultation with the Vice President for Research and the Vice President for Education and Student Life, the VP for International Relations develops a network promoting international agreements with universities and research centres.

Vice President for Training and Student Life

Alfonsina Bellio is an anthropologist and Director of Studies in the Section of Religious Sciences. The Vice President for Education and Student Life develops and proposes guidelines for master's and continuing education courses. The VP examines applications for accreditation of training courses and projects for new courses. In addition, the VP studies student life initiatives (including professional integration, university works, sports, cultural, social or associative activities). The VP chairs the Commission for Education, Student Life and Continuing Education (CEVEFC) as well as the Commission for the Solidarity and Development of Student Initiatives (FSDIE).

Vice President for Means and Budget

Corinne Leveleux-Teixeira is a historian of medieval legal culture and canon law and Director of Studies in the Section of Religious Sciences. The Vice President for Resources and Budget studies the distribution of the institution's resources within the framework of the policy defined by the Board of Directors and by the site contract. Together with the accounting officer, director of financial services, the VP is responsible for drawing up and monitoring the budget, taking into account all the dimensions inherent in the responsibilities and extended competences (operation, investment, personnel costs).

Michel Hochmann dans la cour d'honneur de la Sorbonne
Sciences historiques et philologiques
Sciences historiques et philologiques
Thierry Wirth dans la cour d'honneur de la Sorbonne
Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre
Alfonsina Bellio
Sciences religieuses
Sciences religieuses

Project managers

  • Marc Bui (Digital)
  • Tom Fischer (Education and Student Life)
  • Matthias Hayek (continuing education)
  • Audrey Nassieu Maupas (Real Estate Mission)
Sciences historiques et philologiques
Marc Bui - Cour d'honneur de la Sorbonne
Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre
Matthias HAYEK
Sciences religieuses
Tom Fischer


The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer

  • Valentine Zuber
Valentine Zuber
Sciences religieuses

Section Deans

Section Deans preside over the work of their Section and contribute to the development and implementation of the School's policy. There are three of them:

  • Claudie Doums, Dean of the Section of Life and Earth Sciences
  • Denis Rousset, Dean of the Section of Historical and Philological Sciences
  • Vassa Kontouma, Dean of the Section of Religious Sciences
Claudie Doums
Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre
Sciences historiques et philologiques
Vassa Kontouma
Sciences religieuses

The Director General of Services

Under the authority of the President of the EPHE-PSL, the Director General of Services ensures the proper functioning of the institution. The DGS is involved in the development and implementation of the EPHE-PSL's strategic policy. In this capacity, the DGS advises the presidential team on legal, technical and organizational matters and participates in various bodies. The DGS is responsible for all BIATSS services and personnel that it coordinates, modernizes and supervises.

Contact the DGS

Claire Compain


Organigramme général (10/03/2025)
182.42 KB

The Authorities

The Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is the institution's decision-making body. It votes annually on the budget, adopts the research strategy, and validates the course offerings prior to submission to PSL University. It is composed of four colleges of directors with voting rights. The last elections were held on 11 February 2022. It is composed of:

  • Ex officio members

HOCHMANN Michel, President

DOUMS Claudie, Dean of the Section of Life and Earth Sciences

ROUSSET Denis, Dean of the Section of Historical and Philological Sciences

KONTOUMA Vassa, Dean of the Section of Religious Sciences

  • College A (representing the directors of studies)

BELAMIE Emmanuel, Director of Studies, SVT Section

BUI Marc, Director of Studies, SVT Section

DEBIÉ Muriel, Director of Studies, SR Section

KEDZIERSKA-MANZON Agnieszka, Director of Studies, SR Section

MONDRAIN Brigitte, Director of Studies, SHP Section

MONTUIRE Sophie, Director of Studies, SVT Section

RAPTI Ioanna, Director of Studies, SR Section

TOLIAS Georgios, Director of Studies, SHP Section

SAINT-MARTIN Isabelle, Director of Studies, SHP Section

SANCHEZ GONI Maria-Fernanda, Director of Studies, SVT Section

STAUDER Andréas, Director of Studies, SHP Section

TURCAN-VERKERK Anne-Marie, Director of Studies, SHP Section

  • College A2 (representing other faculty, instructors and researchers)

D'ERCOLE Cecilia, Director of Studies, EHESS

  • College B (representing lecturers)

HUREAU Sylvie, Senior Lecturer, SR Section

LOVICONI Laetitia, Senior Lecturer, SHP Section

RATINIER Maxime, Senior Lecturer, SVT section

TÜRESAY Özgür, Senior Lecturer, SR Section

  • College B2 (representing other faculty, instructors and researchers)

ESTANGUI GOMEZ Raul, Senior Lecturer, Paris 1 – Panthéon Sorbonne

  • College C (representing library, engineering, administrative, technical, social and health staff)

BRUYELLE Julien, Director of Heritage and Logistics

DESBOIS Lydia, Manager of Research Contracts and Agreements

RACOEUR Cindy, Assistant Engineer, LLIC Dijon

RICHER Céline, Masters Manager

  • College D (representing students, auditors and people benefiting from continuing education)

AKBANOVA Asel, PhD student

DECONYNCK Arthur, PhD student

THÉBAUD Marine, PhD student

VILA NOVA Matheus, PhD student

  • External qualified personalities

BASTID-BRUGUIERE Marianne, President of the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences

LE GUEVEL Anne-Marie, Inspector General of Cultural Affairs, Ministry of Culture

MILLET Olivier, Professor Emeritus, Sorbonne University

QUINTANA-MURCI Lluis, Professor, College de France, member of the Academy of Sciences

TILLIETTE Jean-Yves, Philologist and medievalist, member of the Académie des inscriptions et belles lettres

VANNIEUWENHUYZE Nicolas, Head of the Department of Financial Affairs at the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies.

  • Representative of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research


  • President of PSL University

MOUHOUD El Mouhoub


The Scientific Council

The Scientific Council issues opinions on any question having an impact on research. The last elections were held on 11 February, 2022. It is composed of:

  • Ex officio members

HOCHMANN Michel, President

DOUMS Claudie, Dean of the Life and Earth Sciences Section

ROUSSET Denis, Dean of the Section of Historical and Philological Sciences

KONTOUMA Vassa, Dean of the Section of Religious Sciences

  • College A (representing the directors of studies)

COSTE Joël, Director of Studies, SHP Section

DE FRANCESCHI Sylvio, Director of Studies, SR Section

D'ORGEIX Emilie, Director of Studies, SHP Section

HOSTEIN Antony, Director of Studies, SHP Section

MARTINEZ DE CASTILLA MUNOZ Nuria, Director of Studies, SHP Section

MASETTI-ROUAULT Maria-Grazia, Director of Studies, SR Section

PAUL Catherine, Director of Studies, SVT Section

PERRIN Michel-Yves, Director of Studies, SR Section

PIRONTI Gabriella, Director of Studies, SR Section

REYNAUD Cécile, Director of Studies, SHP Section

TORZSOK Judit, Director of Studies, SR Section

WIRTH Thierry, Director of Studies, SVT Section

  • College A2 (representing other faculty, instructors and researchers)

DERAT Marie-Laure, Research Director, CNRS

  • College B (representing lecturers)

BOURDEAUX Pascal, Senior Lecturer, SR Section

LYCAS, Alexis, Senior Lecturer, SHP Section

MARCILHAC Anne, Senior Lecturer, SVT Section

NASSIEU MAUPAS Audrey, Senior Lecturer, SHP Section

  • College B2 (representing other teacher-researchers, teachers and researchers)

CASSIN Matthieu, Researcher, CNRS

  • College C (representing library, engineering, administrative, technical, social and health staff)

CARCHON Isabelle, Research Engineer

HOURMANT Louis, Research Engineer, IREL

TAPIN Agnès, Publishing Manager

  • College D (representing students)

DESCHAMPS Pauline, PhD student

KOVALENKO Illia, PhD student

MORIN Thomas, PhD student

MURAVEVA Lada, PhD student

  • External qualified personalities

ALLEMAND Denis, Professor, Monaco Scientific Centre

ATHANASSIADI Polymnia, Professor, University of Athens

DIMOPOULOU Athina, Professor, University of Athens

DUPUY Christine, Professor, University of La Rochelle

DURAND Jannic, General Curator of Heritage

PIRENNE-DELFORGE Vinciane, Professor, Collège de France

RIGO Antonio, Professor, University of Venice

ROSSIGNOL Jean-Michel, Professor Emeritus, University of Paris-Sud

SUPPLY Philip, Research Director, CNRS

VIRLOUVET Catherine, Professor of Economic and Social History of Rome


The Social Board of Directors

The responsibilities of this new committee concern the organisation and operation of services, professional equality, health protection, hygiene and safety, quality and accessibility of services, the management guidelines (LDG), and HR policy guidelines.

  • The elected representatives

AUGER Corinne – Holder

DARRAB Youssef – Regular

GAD-LAPITEAU Sophie – Chairholder

ESTEVE Peter – Holder

POLONI Lauriane – Holder

PILON Sylvain – Holder

RAYNAL BOUCHÉ Claire – Substitute 

AHBAB Jamal – Alternate 

CARCHON Isabelle – Substitute 

ROCHETTE Renaud – Substitute 

GLORIA Hélène – Substitute 

VENTURE Olivier – Substitute