GRET Biology of Cancers
The "Cancer Biology" group develops research projects focused on the study of the mechanisms associated with tumor development and innovative therapies. All fundamental aspects of biology from normal cells to tumor cells are studied. The factors at the origin of cell transformation, the mechanisms involved in tumor progression until the development of new anti-cancer strategies are addressed. GRET offers teaching based on its research themes in the Master's degree in Life Sciences and the SVT EPHE-PSL diploma.
Coordinator: Flore Renaud (co-coordinator: Stéphanie Plenchette)
Main areas of research
- Genetics and Cancer
We study the genetic alterations involved in cancer predisposition and tumor development as well as the molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in DNA damage responses.
Dominique Bluteau, Sophie Couvé, Sophie Gad, Betty Gardie, Flore Renaud, Stéphane Richard
- Cell Signaling
We are interested in identifying new targeted therapies by studying the cell signaling pathways involved in oncogenesis and tumor progression, tumor cell interactions with their environments, responses to cellular stresses (genotoxic, hypoxic and/or oxidative).
Dominique Bluteau, Sophie Couvé, Véronique Frachet, Sophie Gad, Betty Gardie, Catherine Paul, Stéphanie Plenchette, Flore Renaud
- Microenvironment and Cancer
We analyze cell dynamics within the tumor microenvironment by working on the factors controlling cellular plasticity, tumor progression and regression (impact of therapies).
Véronique Frachet, Catherine Paul, Stéphanie Plenchette
- Immunology and Cancer
We work on the basics of immune system development and functioning. We aim at a better understanding of the dynamics of the innate and adaptive immune response in tumors, one of the objectives being the development of immunotherapies.
Ali Bettaieb, Bruno Canque, Michèle Goodhardt, Catherine Paul, Stéphanie Plenchette
- Cancer & Therapies
We address diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic approaches to cancer. We develop innovative therapeutic strategies and seek to identify biomarkers. Our studies also aim to better understand the mechanisms of resistance to therapies.
Ali Bettaieb,Domnique Bluteau, Sophie Couvé, Véronique Frachet, Catherine Paul, Stéphanie Plenchette, Flore Renaud, Stéphane Richard
List of ECs/research units and associated websites
D. Bluteau, S. Couvé, S. Gad, F. Renaud, S. Richard
UMR CNRS 9019 Genome Integrity and Cancers
Institut Gustave Roussy - Research Pavilion n° 2 - 114, rue Édouard-Vaillant - 94805 Villejuif Cedex
A. Bettaieb, C. Paul, S. Plenchette
EA 7269 uB-EPHE Laboratory of Immunology and Immunotherapy of Cancers (LIIC)
UFR des Sciences de Santé - 7, boulevard Jeanne d'Arc - BP 87900 - 21079 Dijon
V. Frachet
UGA Research Center – Inserm U1209 / CNRS UMR 5309 - Institute for Advanced Biosciences
Site Santé – Allée des Alpes - 38700 La Tronche
B. Gardie
The research unit of the Thorax Institute
Inserm UMR 1087/CNRS UMR 6291
IRS-UN - 8, quai Moncousu - BP 70721 - 44007 Nantes Cedex 1
B. Canque
Necker Institute for Sick Children (INEM)
160, rue de Vaugirard - 75015 Paris
Mr. Goodhardt
Saint-Louis Research Institute (IRSL)
INSERM / University of Paris - U976 HIPI "Human Immunology, Pathophysiology, Immunotherapy"
1, avenue Claude Vellefaux - 75475 Paris Cedex 10