GRET Neurosciences
The research projects of the GRET "Neurosciences" aim to develop knowledge on brain functioning at micro and/or macroscopic scales in the field of neurodegenerative diseases and cognitive pathologies based on the multidisciplinary origin (neurobiologists, neurogeneticists, neurophysiologists, psychologists) of its different members. This multi-scale vision of brain functioning is also deployed in the form of teaching within the EPHE. On the other hand, the Transdisciplinary Institute for the Study of Ageing (ITEV) of the EPHE is backed by this GRET.
Coordinator: Gwenaëlle Catheline (Assistant Coordinator: Nadine Mestre-Frances)
Main areas of research
- Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Analysis of the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying human neurodegenerative diseases as well as their animal (Drosophila, Zebrafish, mouse lemur, mouse and rat) and cellular (Organoids, Human Biopsy) models, with the aim of identifying targets of therapeutic or preventive interest.
Christelle Lasbleiz, Marie-Christine Lebart, Anne Marcilhac, Nadine Mestre-Frances, Mireille Rossel, Giovanni Stevanin, Françoise Trousse
- Neuroimaging and Human Cognition
Description of brain networks associated with cognitive deficits in neurological and neuropsychiatric diseases and identification of early markers.
Gwenaëlle Catheline, Sandra Chanraud, Mickaël Laisney
- Clinical Neuroscience
Study of the semiological profiles of human pathologies from a whole life perspective and based on a multidisciplinary approach, from physiology to the human and social sciences. We combine a mechanistic and clinical approach in order to open up therapeutic proposals.
Bérengère Guillery-Girard, Armelle Viard, Francis Eustache
- Neurodevelopment of the newborn
Establishment of motor and sensory skills and eating behavior.
Michèle Chabert, Joëlle Provasi, François Jouen
List of ECs/research units and associated websites
M. Chabert, J. Provasi, F. Jouen
Human and Artificial Cognitions Laboratory (CHArt-Paris)
K. El Hachimi, M. Latouche
Brain and Spine Institute (ICM)
47, boulevard de l'Hôpital - 75013 Paris
G. Catheline, S. Chanraud, G. Stevanin
UMR 5287 Institute of Cognitive and Integrative Neurosciences of Aquitaine (INCIA)
University of Bordeaux - North Zone - Bat 2 -2nd floor - 146, rue Léo Saignat - 33076 Bordeaux cedex
C. Lasbleiz, M.-C. Lebart, A. Marcilhac, N. Mestre-Frances, M. Rossel, F. Trousse
UMR_S 1198 - Molecular Mechanisms in Neurodegenerative Dementias (MMDN)
University of Montpellier - Building 24 - CC105 - Place Eugène Bataillon - 34095 Montpellier cedex 5
B. Guillery-Girard, M. Laisney, A. Viard, F. Eustache
UMR-S 1077 - Neuropsychology and Imaging of Human Memory (NIMH)
Pôle des Formations et de Recherche en Santé - 2, rue des Rochambelles - 14032 Caen Cedex